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New Video Course: NativeScript for the Angular 2 Developer

November 21, 2016 — by Nic Raboy

Announcing new video course: NativeScript for the Angular 2 Developer

Interested in learning NativeScript? How about Angular 2? Well you’ll be pleased to know that a course titled, NativeScript for the Angular 2 Developer, was just released and hopes to accomplish both of those interests.


The course, NativeScript for the Angular 2 Developer, was designed to be suitable for beginner and intermediate level developers with the goal of teaching students how to develop truly native mobile applications for both Android and iOS using a common framework.

So what can be found in the curriculum of the course?

There is a lot to know when it comes to NativeScript and Angular 2, not to mention mobile development in general. Some of the course highlights include:

  • Creating multiple page applications and navigating between the pages.
  • Persisting data to several different local databases for future access.
  • Accessing remote web services and RESTful APIs to consume data for use within the mobile application.
  • Squashing bugs and performing unit tests with popular testing frameworks.
  • Using native device features and including third-party plugins and libraries for more functionality.

At the end of the course you should be confident enough to apply what you’ve learned towards creating your own mobile application.

So what are some of the trusted members of the NativeScript community saying about the course?

Nathan Walker - Telerik Developer Expert

Very thorough and helpful! Really enjoyed the unit testing videos :)

Brad Martin - Telerik Developer Expert

Very nice and I think I need to pick up on Angular more now :) Thanks Nic!

Enroll in NativeScript for the Angular 2 Developer, by Nic Raboy, to jumpstart your mobile development career and take your web development skills to new levels.