What we'd like to tell you about today, however, or to remind you in case you didn't notice earlier, is that along with NativeScript 1.3, we also released the brand new NativeScript Getting Started Guide.
This guide, a collaboration between Developer Relations team members, the NativeScript engineering team, our Developer Experts community, and Telerik's great technical writing professionals, aims to help onboard new users to NativeScript in a friendly way, while encouraging a deep dive into the way the NativeScript runtime works.
The guide is structured as a series of exercises that walk you through the creation of an app to manage your grocery list. By the end of the guide, your app will include:
A great deal of care was put into the crafting of the Groceries app that you progressively build as you go through the guide. We are working on enhancing it as well as periodically updating the guide so that we can showcase as many interesting things you can do with NativeScript as we can. At the same time, we have tried to implement best practices in the codebase, so that you can use the structure of the app to inspire you to create your own apps in the future. We welcome your feedback and look forward to the exciting apps you will be building using NativeScript!
There are more learning resources as well all fresh and new for you!
Don't care for videos but still want to listen along? Sam Basu also recorded a podcast for DotNet Rocks.
Looking for a good list on resources to learn this framework: John Bristowe's Awesome List of NativeScript Resources is a great place to start.
While attending conferences, we often field questions about Telerik products that inspire blogposts. After our workshop at That Conference, for example, we had a whole laundry list to answer, so John Bristowe compiled them here.
Sam Basu recently published two great articles specific to .NET developers interested in getting on board: NativeScript for .NET Developers and Building a NativeScript UI for .NET developers.
There is more content on NativeScript nowadays than you can shake a stick at. My advice is to put the stick down and start coding! Start with the Getting Started Guide and you'll be up and running in no time. And stay tuned for more great stuff from the NativeScript team!