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NativeScript macOS Node-API Preview

August 26, 2024 — by Diljit Singh (aka Dj) with Technical Steering Committee (TSC)

NativeScript is flexible and offers immense depth in possibilities. We have been working on another iteration of the NativeScript runtime which allows it to run on any JavaScript engine that implements Node-API.

Historically, NativeScript has been coupled to V8 here and also JavaScriptCore here for the iOS runtime.

This exciting new runtime can plug directly into Node and Deno, can be used with Hermes and also QuickJS. In fact, it could be used with any engine that has Node-API support.

What does this mean?

NativeScript has already worked exceptionally well on Android, iOS and visionOS so what is new here?

💻 Desktop support - now you can leverage the power of native platform APIs on macOS - frameworks like AppKit, Metal for GPU based graphics or compute performance, BNNS for accelerated machine learning applications, right in your Node or Deno applications.

Let's learn by example

Speaking of which, we came across this project: Ball by Nate Parrot - which is just a ball that sits in your dock which you can click to launch the ball (or re-dock it) onto your screen and interact with it. There are some fun little details to it, like using AppKit & SpriteKit to render the ball and the physics of it, with a bit of animations using Swift Motion library (which we implemented using popmotion in JS instead!). It's a fun little project to tinker with, and it's a great example of what you can do with NativeScript Node-API.

The beauty of NativeScript is that native APIs are available in JavaScript, so all you need are Apple docs open to start building something. Even though that project is written in Swift, it's quite straightforward to understand the logic and do it the exact same way in JavaScript.

Note: We'll be sharing more examples in the coming months demonstrating more of NativeScript Node-API with various frameworks!

Understanding the project

You can run this example right now:

git clone
cd NSBall
npm install

Try it with Deno:

deno task start

Try it with Node:

npm start

When we look at the source, the main entrypoint is AppDelegate class (part of AppDelegate.swift). The ball launches from the dock and also goes back there so the dock events are handled in the app delegate, then there is app controller that abstracts the main logic of the app such as launching and docking the ball in dockIconClicked and also handles the two windows used here. One is the window with the ball rendered using SpriteKit that covers the whole screen, and the other is a small transparent window that sits on top and is the exact same size as the ball to capture mouse events for interactivity. That is all for the basic logic of how this project works.

Let's discuss how we made this project below.

Initialize the project

Let's start by creating a simple config file to import NativeScript Node-API and src/main.ts.

  "tasks": {
    "run": "deno run -A src/main.ts"

  "imports": {
    "@nativescript/macos-node-api": "npm:@nativescript/macos-node-api@^0.1.0",

Now let's create src/main.ts and test NativeScript Node-API.

import "@nativescript/macos-node-api";


And running deno task run should print out your OS version!

This allows us to run on Deno. To run on Node.js, initialize the project as you would with npm init, install npm install @nativescript/macos-node-api. Make sure to setup tsconfig.json too, run the TypeScript compiler and then run the project with node. Boom, you get the same output but in Node.js! Node-API allows NativeScript to run seamlessly on both Node.js and Deno.

Here's the tsconfig.json I used:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "lib": ["ESNext", "DOM"],
    "target": "ESNext",
    "module": "ES2022",
    "moduleResolution": "Node",
    "rootDir": "./src",
    "outDir": "./dist",
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
    "strict": true,
    "skipLibCheck": true

The module systems in Node.js and Deno are a bit different. To make it work in both, we set the module system to ES2022. The output code will use ESM which will work in both Node.js and Deno. The only difference now is that Deno requires you to use fully qualified specifies with .ts at end, but this will emit the specifiers as-is. That's why we will use .js specifiers in the code so the emitted code works in Node.js, and to run the TypeScript itself in Deno, we'll have to use --unstable-sloppy-imports flag.


Basic AppKit application

Let's start by making the AppDelegate class.


import "@nativescript/macos-node-api";

export class AppDelegate extends NSObject implements NSApplicationDelegate {
  static ObjCProtocols = [NSApplicationDelegate];

  static {

  applicationDidFinishLaunching(_notification: NSNotification): void {
    console.log("NSBall started!");

Note how we used NativeClass to make the class available to Objective-C runtime. That and ObjCProtocols static, we need that information at runtime to find the definitions for the protocol in order to expose the methods in native land. Other than those, you just naturally extend native classes like NSObject and can even use TypeScript implements keyword to implement protocols and get type checking plus autocompletion in your editor.

But how exactly do we use this? In an Xcode project it would be implicitly used (the class name is mentioned in Info.plist) but we have to add a bit of boilerplate to make it work as if we were writing AppKit application in an Objective-C project manually. So we got to change main.ts like this:

import "@nativescript/macos-node-api";


import { AppDelegate } from "./app_delegate.js";

const NSApp = NSApplication.sharedApplication;

NSApp.delegate =;

NSApplicationMain(0, null);

On running this we see the message as expected in console, and a terminal icon appears in the Dock. This is the basic setup for a NativeScript macOS application. The rest is the same as writing a macOS application in Objective-C or Swift, but in JavaScript.

Handling dock icon click

Let's add more to this in order to handle dock icon clicks.

export class AppDelegate extends NSObject implements NSApplicationDelegate {

  applicationWillFinishLaunching(_notification: NSNotification): void {
    NSApp.applicationIconImage = NSImage.alloc().initWithContentsOfFile(
      new URL("../assets/Ball.png", import.meta.url).pathname,

  applicationShouldHandleReopenHasVisibleWindows(_sender: NSApplication, _flag: boolean): boolean {
    console.log("Dock icon clicked");
    return true;
  • applicationWillFinishLaunching: Set the dock icon image. Ideally we would set it in the app bundle, but for now, let's just set it before the app finishes launching.
  • applicationShouldHandleReopenHasVisibleWindows: This method is called when the dock icon is clicked. We log a message to the console for now.

Creating a window for SpriteKit scene

Now, when the application finishes launching, what we'll do is make a window on screen saver level that covers the whole screen and renders the ball using SpriteKit. Let's make that first.

export class AppDelegate extends NSObject implements NSApplicationDelegate {

  ballWindow!: NSWindow;

  makeBallWindow() {
    const window = NSWindow.alloc().initWithContentRectStyleMaskBackingDefer(
      { origin: { x: 196, y: 240 }, size: { width: 480, height: 270 } },

    window.title = "NSBall";
    window.isRestorable = false;
    window.isReleasedWhenClosed = false;

    window.collectionBehavior = NSWindowCollectionBehavior.Transient |
      NSWindowCollectionBehavior.IgnoresCycle |
      NSWindowCollectionBehavior.FullScreenNone | NSWindowCollectionBehavior.CanJoinAllApplications;
    window.hasShadow = false;
    window.animationBehavior = NSWindowAnimationBehavior.None;
    window.tabbingMode = NSWindowTabbingMode.Disallowed;
    window.backgroundColor = NSColor.clearColor;
    window.isOpaque = false;
    window.acceptsMouseMovedEvents = false;
    window.ignoresMouseEvents = true;
    window.level = NSScreenSaverWindowLevel;

    this.ballWindow = window;

  updateWindowSize() {
    const screen = this.ballWindow.screen;
    if (!screen) {

      origin: { x: screen.frame.origin.x, y: screen.frame.origin.y },
      size: {
        width: screen.frame.size.width,
        height: screen.frame.size.height,
    }, true);

  applicationDidFinishLaunching(_notification: NSNotification): void {
    console.log("NSBall started!");



There are some cases in which we need to update the window size, such as when the screen changes, or the screen profile changes. We can implement window delegate methods in this class itself.

export class AppDelegate extends NSObject implements NSApplicationDelegate, NSWindowDelegate {
  static ObjCProtocols = [NSApplicationDelegate, NSWindowDelegate];


  makeBallWindow() {

    window.delegate = this;

  windowDidChangeScreen(_notification: NSNotification): void {

  windowDidChangeScreenProfile(_notification: NSNotification): void {


Adding ball object to the scene

You won't notice much when you run this, but let's change that by adding an actual ball to this window.

Start by making a Ball SpriteKit Node.


import "@nativescript/macos-node-api";


export class Ball extends SKNode {
  static {

  imgContainer =;
  imgNode = SKSpriteNode.spriteNodeWithTexture(
        new URL("../assets/Ball.png", import.meta.url).pathname,

  radius = 0;

  static create(radius: number, pos: CGPoint) {
    const ball =;
    ball.radius = radius;
    ball.position = pos;
    ball.imgNode.size = { width: radius * 2, height: radius * 2 };

    const body = SKPhysicsBody.bodyWithCircleOfRadius(radius);
    body.isDynamic = true;
    body.restitution = 0.6;
    body.allowsRotation = false;
    body.usesPreciseCollisionDetection = true;
    body.contactTestBitMask = 1;

    ball.physicsBody = body;


    return ball;

  update() {
    const yDelta = -(1 - this.imgContainer.xScale) * this.radius / 2;
    this.imgContainer.position = { x: 0, y: yDelta };

Here, we create a ball with a circular physics body so that it can handle collisions on screen boundaries, and also set up its heirarchy in a way that we first have a image container within the ball node, and image node inside that container. This is so that we can change the offset and x-scale for squishing effect when the ball hits the screen boundaries later.

Now let's make a view controller that actually setups up the scene and allows launching and docking the ball. We will set this VC as the root view controller of the window.


import "@nativescript/macos-node-api";

export class ViewController extends NSViewController {
  static {

  scene = SKScene.sceneWithSize({ width: 200, height: 200 });
  sceneView =;

  viewDidLoad() {

    this.scene.backgroundColor = NSColor.clearColor;
    this.sceneView.allowsTransparency = true;

    this.sceneView.preferredFramesPerSecond = 120;

  viewDidLayout() {
    this.scene.size = this.view.bounds.size;
    this.sceneView.frame = this.view.bounds;
    this.scene.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody.bodyWithEdgeLoopFromRect(
    this.scene.physicsBody.contactTestBitMask = 1;

This view controller sets up the SpriteKit scene environment, the corresponding scene view, and also the physics body to allow the ball to collide on the edges. Automatically updates the scene size when the view size changes in viewDidLayout.

Let's also use this view controller in the app delegate to set it as the root view controller of the window.

    ballWindow?: NSWindow;
+   ballViewController =;


      window.level = NSScreenSaverWindowLevel;
+     window.contentViewController = this.ballViewController;

To launch the ball and redock it, let's define two methods in here: launch and dock. Both of them will accept a CGRect that defines the dock tile position in screen coordinates taking into consideration the mouse position where the dock icon was clicked.

export class ViewController extends NSViewController {
  physicsQueue: CallableFunction[] = [];

  _ball?: Ball;

  get ball() {
    return this._ball;

  set ball(value) {

    this._ball = value;

    if (value) this.scene.addChild(value);


  launch(rect: CGRect) {
    const screen = this.view.window?.screen;
    if (!screen) return;

    const ball = Ball.create(RADIUS, {
      x: CGRectGetMidX(rect),
      y: CGRectGetMidY(rect),

    this.ball = ball;

    const strength = 2000;
    const impulse: CGVector = { dx: 0, dy: 0 };

    const distFromLeft = CGRectGetMidX(rect) - CGRectGetMinX(screen.frame);
    const distFromRight = CGRectGetMaxX(screen.frame) - CGRectGetMidX(rect);
    const distFromBottom = CGRectGetMidY(rect) - CGRectGetMinY(screen.frame);

    if (distFromBottom < 200) {
      impulse.dy = strength;

    if (distFromLeft < 200) {
      impulse.dx = strength;
    } else if (distFromRight < 200) {
      impulse.dx = -strength;

    ball.setScale(rect.size.width / (ball.radius * 2));
    const scaleUp = SKAction.scaleToDuration(1, 0.5);

    this.physicsQueue.push(() => {

  dock(rect: CGRect, onComplete: () => void) {
    const ball = this.ball;

    if (!ball) {
      return onComplete();

    if (ball.physicsBody) {
      ball.physicsBody.isDynamic = false;
      ball.physicsBody.affectedByGravity = false;
      ball.physicsBody.velocity = { dx: 0, dy: 0 };

      SKAction.scaleToDuration(rect.size.width / (ball.radius * 2), 0.25)

          x: CGRectGetMidX(rect),
          y: CGRectGetMidY(rect),
      () => {
        this.ball = undefined;

Notice how we added a physics queue here, it consists of callbacks that must be run on next physics simulation only. We can do that using SKSceneDelegate protocol. And also, when the scene update finishes, we must call ball.update too.

export class ViewController extends NSViewController implements SKSceneDelegate {
  static ObjCProtocols = [SKSceneDelegate];


  didSimulatePhysicsForScene(_scene: SKScene): void {
    const queue = this.physicsQueue;
    this.physicsQueue = [];
    for (const cb of queue) cb();

  didFinishUpdateForScene(_scene: SKScene): void {

Now we need to figure out the dock icon position when it's clicked.


import "@nativescript/macos-node-api";

export const RADIUS = 100;

// From

export const WBDockPosition = {
  BOTTOM: 0,
  LEFT: 1,
  RIGHT: 2,
} as const;

export function getDockPosition(screen: NSScreen) {
  if (screen.visibleFrame.origin.y == 0) {
    if (screen.visibleFrame.origin.x == 0) {
      return WBDockPosition.RIGHT;
    } else {
      return WBDockPosition.LEFT;
  } else {
    return WBDockPosition.BOTTOM;

export function getDockSize(screen: NSScreen, position: number) {
  let size;
  switch (position) {
    case WBDockPosition.RIGHT:
      size =
        screen.frame.size.width -
      return size;
    case WBDockPosition.LEFT:
      size = screen.visibleFrame.origin.x;
      return size;
    case WBDockPosition.BOTTOM:
      size = screen.visibleFrame.origin.y;
      return size;
      throw new Error("unreachable");

export function getInferredRectOfHoveredDockIcon(screen: NSScreen): CGRect {
  // Keep in mind coords are inverted (y=0 at BOTTOM)
  const dockPos = getDockPosition(screen);
  const dockSize = getDockSize(screen, dockPos);
  const tileSize = dockSize * (64.0 / 79.0);
  // First, set center to the mouse pos
  const center = NSEvent.mouseLocation;
  if (dockPos == WBDockPosition.BOTTOM) {
    center.y = CGRectGetMinY(screen.frame) + tileSize / 2;
    // Dock icons are a little above the center of the dock rect
    center.y += (2.5 / 79) * dockSize;
  return {
    origin: { x: center.x - tileSize / 2, y: center.y - tileSize / 2 },
    size: { width: tileSize, height: tileSize },

export function constrainRect(r: CGRect, bounds: CGRect): CGRect {
  const boundsMinX = CGRectGetMinX(bounds);
  const boundsMaxX = CGRectGetMaxX(bounds);
  const boundsMinY = CGRectGetMinY(bounds);
  const boundsMaxY = CGRectGetMaxY(bounds);

  if (CGRectGetMinX(r) < boundsMinX) r.origin.x = boundsMinX;
  if (CGRectGetMaxX(r) > boundsMaxX) r.origin.x = boundsMaxX - r.size.width;
  if (CGRectGetMinY(r) < boundsMinY) r.origin.y = boundsMinY;
  if (CGRectGetMaxY(r) > boundsMaxY) r.origin.y = boundsMaxY - r.size.height;

  return r;

export function remap(
  x: number,
  domainStart: number,
  domainEnd: number,
  rangeStart: number,
  rangeEnd: number,
  clamp = true
) {
  const domain = domainEnd - domainStart;
  const range = rangeEnd - rangeStart;
  const value = (x - domainStart) / domain;
  const result = rangeStart + value * range;
  if (clamp) {
    if (rangeStart < rangeEnd) {
      return Math.min(Math.max(result, rangeStart), rangeEnd);
    } else {
      return Math.min(Math.max(result, rangeEnd), rangeStart);
  } else {
    return result;

Also added a utility function in there to constrain one CGRect within another CGRect (bounds).

Next, let's change the implementation of dock click event to launch/dock the ball.

export class AppDelegate
  extends NSObject
  implements NSApplicationDelegate, NSWindowDelegate

  putBackImageView = NSImageView.imageViewWithImage(
      new URL("../assets/PutBack.png", import.meta.url).pathname

  ballImageView = NSImageView.imageViewWithImage(
      new URL("../assets/Ball.png", import.meta.url).pathname

  _ballVisible = false;

  get ballVisible() {
    return this._ballVisible;

  set ballVisible(value) {
    if (value === this.ballVisible) {

    this._ballVisible = value;

    this.ballViewController.sceneView.isPaused = !value;

    NSApp.dockTile.contentView = value
      ? this.putBackImageView
      : this.ballImageView;


    _sender: NSApplication,
    _flag: boolean
  ): boolean {
    let currentScreen: NSScreen | undefined;

    const mouseLocation = NSEvent.mouseLocation;

    for (const screen of NSScreen.screens) {
      if (NSPointInRect(mouseLocation, screen.frame)) {
        currentScreen = screen;

    if (!currentScreen) return true;

    const dockIconRect = constrainRect(

    if (this.ballVisible) {
      this.ballViewController.dock(dockIconRect, () => {
        this.ballVisible = false;
    } else {
      this.ballVisible = true;

    return true;

Now we can run the project and see the ball launch and dock when the dock icon is clicked!


Let's also add a shadow to the ball that fades in when the ball is near the bottom of the screen.


export class Ball extends SKNode {

  shadowSprite = SKSpriteNode.spriteNodeWithTexture(
        new URL("../assets/ContactShadow.png", import.meta.url).pathname
  shadowContainer =;


  static create(radius: number, pos: CGPoint) {

    const shadowWidth = radius * 4;
    ball.shadowSprite.size = {
      width: shadowWidth,
      height: 0.564 * shadowWidth,
    ball.shadowSprite.alpha = 0;
    ball.shadowContainer.alpha = 0;


    return ball;

  update() {
    this.shadowSprite.position = {
      x: 0,
      y: this.radius * 0.3 - this.position.y,

    const distFromBottom = this.position.y - this.radius;
    this.shadowSprite.alpha = remap(distFromBottom, 0, 200, 1, 0);

    const yDelta = (-(1 - this.imgContainer.xScale) * this.radius) / 2;
    this.imgContainer.position = { x: 0, y: yDelta };


  animateShadow(visible: boolean, duration: number) {
    if (visible) {
    } else {


This makes the shadow more or less prominent based on the distance from bottom. We also need to call animateShadow in launch and dock methods in the view controller.

// in launch
ball.animateShadow(true, 0.5);

// in dock
ball.animateShadow(false, 0.25);


Next, let's add click handling. For that we need a window on same level but this time it accepts mouse events and only covers the part of the scene which is visible, i.e. the ball itself.

We start by defining the view which captures the click events by overriding NSView methods. It will redirect the click events to the ball view controller.


import "@nativescript/macos-node-api";

export interface MouseCatcherDelegate {
  onMouseDown(): void;
  onMouseDrag(): void;
  onMouseUp(): void;
  onScroll(event: NSEvent): void;

export class MouseCatcherView extends NSView {
  static {

  delegate!: MouseCatcherDelegate;

  mouseDown(_event: NSEvent) {

  mouseDragged(_event: NSEvent) {

  mouseUp(_event: NSEvent) {

  scrollWheel(event: NSEvent) {
    if (!(event.hasPreciseScrollingDeltas && event.momentumPhase == 0)) {


and in app_delegate.ts, we need to setup click window along with the ball / SpriteKit scene window. And its position needs to be updated along with the ball itself, so we added a callback to the ball view controller to update the click window position whenever the ball position changes. For convenience, we also add a getter to get the mouse catcher rect from the ball view controller.

export class AppDelegate
  extends NSObject
  implements NSApplicationDelegate, NSWindowDelegate

  clickWindow!: NSWindow;


  set ballVisible(value) {

    if (value) {

  makeClickWindow() {
    const clickWindow =
          origin: { x: 0, y: 0 },
          size: { width: RADIUS * 2, height: RADIUS * 2 },
    clickWindow.isReleasedWhenClosed = false;
    clickWindow.level = NSScreenSaverWindowLevel;
    clickWindow.backgroundColor = NSColor.clearColor;

    const catcher =;
    clickWindow.contentView = catcher;
    catcher.frame = {
      origin: { x: 0, y: 0 },
      size: { width: RADIUS * 2, height: RADIUS * 2 },
    catcher.wantsLayer = true;
    catcher.layer.backgroundColor =
    catcher.layer.cornerRadius = RADIUS;
    catcher.delegate = this.ballViewController;

    this.clickWindow = clickWindow;

    this.ballViewController.ballPositionChanged = () => {

  updateClickWindow() {
    const rect = this.ballViewController.mouseCatcherRect;
    if (!this.ballVisible || !rect) return;

    const rounding = 10;
    rect.origin.x = Math.round(CGRectGetMinX(rect) / rounding) * rounding;
    rect.origin.y = Math.round(CGRectGetMinY(rect) / rounding) * rounding;

    // HACK: Assume scene coords are same as window coords
    const screen = this.ballWindow?.screen;
    if (!screen) return;

    if (rect) {
        constrainRect(rect, screen.frame),


  applicationDidFinishLaunching(_notification: NSNotification): void {

Here's how the mouseCatcherRect getter is implemented in view_controller.ts:

export class ViewController
  extends NSViewController
  implements SKSceneDelegate

  tempMouseCatcherRect?: CGRect;

  get mouseCatcherRect(): CGRect | undefined {
    const rect = this.tempMouseCatcherRect ?? this.ball?.rect;
    const window = this.view.window;

    if (rect && window) {
      return window.convertRectToScreen(rect);

And add the rect getter to ball class:

export class Ball extends SKNode {

  get rect() {
    return {
      origin: {
        x: this.position.x - this.radius,
        y: this.position.y - this.radius,
      size: { width: this.radius * 2, height: this.radius * 2 },


Note, the temp mouse catcher rect is there for overriding the ball rect when the ball is being dragged using scroll event, in which case we want the mouse catcher rect to stay in the initial position mouse was, not the ball's position which will change as its being dragged via scroll event.

We need to handle the events next. But before doing that, let's implement how the ball should move when dragged. It's going to follow the mouse as expected and in case of scroll it moves in the direction of scroll, but when its released from that state of drag there must be a certain impulse applied to it. To implement that, we must keep track of the velocity during drag and then calculate the impulse at the end of drag state.


export interface Sample {
  time: number;
  pos: CGPoint;

export class VelocityTracker {
  samples: Sample[] = [];

  add(pos: CGPoint) {
    const time = CACurrentMediaTime();
    const sample = { time, pos };
    this.samples = this.filteredSamples;

  get filteredSamples() {
    const time = CACurrentMediaTime();
    const filtered = this.samples.filter((sample) => time - sample.time < 0.1);
    return filtered;

  get velocity(): CGPoint {
    const samples = this.filteredSamples;
    if (samples.length < 2) {
      return CGPointZero;
    const first = samples[0];
    const last = samples[samples.length - 1];
    const delta = {
      x: last.pos.x - first.pos.x,
      y: last.pos.y - first.pos.y,
    const time = last.time - first.time;
    return {
      x: delta.x / time,
      y: delta.y / time,

export class DragState {
  velocityTracker = new VelocityTracker();

    public ballStart: CGPoint,
    public mouseStart: CGPoint,
    public currentMousePos: CGPoint
  ) {}

  get currentBallPos() {
    const delta = {
      x: this.currentMousePos.x - this.mouseStart.x,
      y: this.currentMousePos.y - this.mouseStart.y,
    return {
      x: this.ballStart.x + delta.x,
      y: this.ballStart.y + delta.y,

export class ViewController
  extends NSViewController
  implements SKSceneDelegate, MouseCatcherDelegate

  _dragState?: DragState;

  get dragState() {
    return this._dragState;

  set dragState(value) {
    this._dragState = value;

    if (value && this.ball) {
      this.ball.physicsBody.isDynamic = false;

      const pos = value.currentBallPos;

      const constrainedRect = constrainRect(
          origin: { x: pos.x - this.ball.radius, y: pos.y - this.ball.radius },
          size: { width: this.ball.radius * 2, height: this.ball.radius * 2 },

      this.ball.position = {
        x: CGRectGetMidX(constrainedRect),
        y: CGRectGetMidY(constrainedRect),
    } else if (this.ball) {
      this.ball.physicsBody.isDynamic = true;

  ballPositionChanged?: () => void;


  get mouseScenePos() {
    const viewPos = this.sceneView.convertPointFromView(
    const scenePos = this.scene.convertPointFromView(viewPos);
    return scenePos;

  onMouseDown() {
    const scenePos = this.mouseScenePos;
    if (this.ball && this.ball.containsPoint(scenePos)) {
      this.dragState = new DragState(this.ball.position, scenePos, scenePos);
    } else {
      this.dragState = undefined;

  onMouseDrag() {
    if (this.dragState) {
      this.dragState.currentMousePos = this.mouseScenePos;
      this.dragState = this.dragState;

  onMouseUp() {
    const velocity = this.dragState?.velocityTracker.velocity ?? CGPointZero;
    this.dragState = undefined;

    if (CGPointGetLength(velocity) > 0) {
      this.ball?.physicsBody?.applyImpulse({ dx: velocity.x, dy: velocity.y });

  onScroll(event: NSEvent) {
    switch (event.phase) {
      case NSEventPhase.Began:
        if (this.ball) {
          this.dragState = new DragState(
          this.tempMouseCatcherRect = this.mouseCatcherRect;
      case NSEventPhase.Changed:
        if (this.dragState) {
          this.dragState.currentMousePos.x += event.scrollingDeltaX;
          this.dragState.currentMousePos.y -= event.scrollingDeltaY;
            x: this.dragState.currentMousePos.x,
            y: this.dragState.currentMousePos.y,
          this.dragState = this.dragState;
      case NSEventPhase.Ended:
      case NSEventPhase.Cancelled: {
        const velocity =
          this.dragState?.velocityTracker.velocity ?? CGPointZero;
        this.dragState = undefined;

        if (CGPointGetLength(velocity) > 0) {
            dx: velocity.x,
            dy: velocity.y,

        this.tempMouseCatcherRect = undefined;

  updateForScene(_currentTime: number, _scene: SKScene): void {

Also add this utility function to util.ts:

export function CGPointGetLength(p: CGPoint) {
  return Math.sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y);

Aaand that's it! Now you can run the project and have the ball draggable using mouse events!

There's still two things left to do: sounds and animations. Sounds will be easy, and adding animations will be quite fun!


Here's what we'll do: load the sounds in view controller, initialize them to make sure they're ready to play, and then play them when the ball hits the screen boundaries - which we detect using SKPhysicsContactDelegate protocol.

export class ViewController
  extends NSViewController
  implements SKSceneDelegate, MouseCatcherDelegate, SKPhysicsContactDelegate
  static ObjCProtocols = [SKSceneDelegate, SKPhysicsContactDelegate];


  sounds = ["pop_01", "pop_02", "pop_03"].map((id) =>
      new URL(`../assets/${id}.caf`, import.meta.url).pathname,

  viewDidLoad() {

    this.scene.backgroundColor = NSColor.clearColor;
    this.scene.delegate = this;
    this.scene.physicsWorld.contactDelegate = this;
    this.sceneView.allowsTransparency = true;

    this.sceneView.preferredFramesPerSecond = 120;

    for (const sound of this.sounds) {
      sound.volume = 0;;


  didBeginContact(contact: SKPhysicsContact) {
    const minImpulse = 1000;
    const maxImpulse = 2000;

    const collisionStrength = remap(

    if (collisionStrength <= 0) return;

    NSOperationQueue.mainQueue.addOperationWithBlock(() => {
      const sounds = this.sounds;
      const soundsUsable = sounds.filter((sound) => !sound.isPlaying);
      if (soundsUsable.length === 0) return;
      const randomSound =
        soundsUsable[Math.floor(Math.random() * soundsUsable.length)];
      randomSound.volume = collisionStrength;;

That's all! Now when you run it, you will be able to hear fun sound effects as the ball collides with the screen boundaries.


This part is not as trivial to implement because we'll do it a bit differently. We'll use popmotion from npm to implement the spring animations we'll use in two places: one when the ball is being dragged that it scales up a bit, and other when the ball hits the screen boundaries that it squishes.

The only animation we need is a spring animation. On the web, popmotion will use requestAnimationFrame to animate the values, but here we don't have that. Instead, we'll implement our own animation loop using CADisplayLink. You can read more about drivers here in popmotion documentation.

So essentially driver is a function that accepts a callback which is called on every frame/tick, and it returns a function that stops the animation. First, let's implement the driver and then the animation function.


import "@nativescript/macos-node-api";
import { Driver } from "popmotion";

export class CALayerDriver extends NSObject {
  static ObjCExposedMethods = {
    tick: { returns: interop.types.void, params: [] },

  static {

  displayLink?: CADisplayLink;
  tickers = new Set<(timestamp: number) => void>();
  prevTick?: number;

  tick() {
    if (!this.displayLink) {
      throw new Error("Display link is not initialized and tick was called");

    const timestamp =;
    const delta = this.prevTick ? timestamp - this.prevTick : 0;
    this.prevTick = timestamp;

    for (const ticker of this.tickers) {

  static instance =;

  static driver: Driver = (update) => {
    return {
      start: () => {

        if (this.instance.tickers.size === 1) {

      stop: () => {
        if (!this.instance.tickers.delete(update)) {

        if (this.instance.tickers.size === 0) {

  static start() {
    if (this.instance.displayLink) {

    this.instance.displayLink =
      NSScreen.mainScreen.displayLinkWithTargetSelector(this.instance, "tick");


    this.instance.displayLink.preferredFrameRateRange = {
      minimum: 90,
      maximum: 120,
      preferred: 120,

    this.instance.prevTick =;

  static stop() {
    if (!this.instance.displayLink) {

    this.instance.displayLink = undefined;

Now let's implement the spring animation.


export class SpringParams {
  static passiveEase = new SpringParams(0.35, 0.85);

    public response: number,
    public dampingRatio: number,
    public epsilon = 0.01
  ) {}

export interface Sample {
  time: number;
  value: number;

export class VelocityTracker {
  samples: Sample[] = [];

  addSample(val: number) {
    this.samples.push({ time: CACurrentMediaTime(), value: val });

  get velocity() {
    if (this.samples[0] && this.samples[this.samples.length - 1]) {
      const timeDelta = CACurrentMediaTime() - this.samples[0].time;
      const distDelta =
        this.samples[this.samples.length - 1].value - this.samples[0].value;
      if (timeDelta > 0) {
        return distDelta / timeDelta;
    return 0;

  lookBack = 1.0 / 15;

  trim() {
    const now = CACurrentMediaTime();
    while (
      this.samples.length > 0 &&
      now - this.samples[0].time > this.lookBack
    ) {

export class SpringAnimation {
  animating = false;

  externallySetVelocityTracker = new VelocityTracker();

  onChange?: (value: number) => void;

  _value = 0;

  get value() {
    return this._value;

  set value(value) {
    this._value = value;

  targetValue?: number;
  _velocity?: number;

  stopFunction?: () => void;

  get velocity() {
    return this.animating
      ? this._velocity ?? 0
      : this.externallySetVelocityTracker.velocity;

    initialValue: number,
    public scale: number,
    public params: SpringParams = SpringParams.passiveEase
  ) {
    this.value = initialValue;

  start(targetValue: number, velocity: number) {
    this.animating = true;
    this.targetValue = targetValue;
    this._velocity = velocity;

    this.stopFunction = animate({
      type: "spring",

      from: this.value * this.scale,
      to: this.targetValue * this.scale,

      velocity: this.velocity * this.scale,
      stiffness: Math.pow((2 * Math.PI) / this.params.response, 2),
      damping: (4 * Math.PI * this.params.dampingRatio) / this.params.response,
      restDelta: this.params.epsilon,

      driver: CALayerDriver.driver,

      onUpdate: (value) => {
        this._value = value / this.scale;

      onComplete: () => {
        this.stopFunction = undefined;

  stop() {
    this.targetValue = undefined;
    this.animating = false;

To use this animation class, let's add it to the ball class.


export class Ball extends SKNode {

  dragScale = new SpringAnimation(1, 1000, new SpringParams(0.2, 0.8));
  squish = new SpringAnimation(1, 1000, new SpringParams(0.3, 0.5));


  _beingDragged = false;

  animateDrag(beingDragged: boolean) {
    const old = this._beingDragged;
    this._beingDragged = beingDragged;

    if (old === beingDragged) {

    this.dragScale.start(beingDragged ? 1.05 : 1, this.dragScale.velocity);


  update() {
    this.shadowSprite.position = {
      x: 0,
      y: this.radius * 0.3 - this.position.y,

    const distFromBottom = this.position.y - this.radius;
    this.shadowSprite.alpha = remap(distFromBottom, 0, 200, 1, 0);

    const yDelta = (-(1 - this.imgContainer.xScale) * this.radius) / 2;
    this.imgContainer.position = { x: 0, y: yDelta };

    this.imgContainer.xScale = this.squish.value;


  didCollide(strength: number, normal: CGVector) {
    const angle = Math.atan2(normal.dy, normal.dx);
    this.imgContainer.zRotation = angle;
    this.imgNode.zRotation = -angle;

    const targetScale = remap(strength, 0, 1, 1, 0.8);
    const velocity = remap(strength, 0, 1, -5, -10);
    this.squish.start(targetScale, velocity);

    NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeIntervalRepeatsBlock(0.01, false, () => {
      this.squish.start(1, velocity);

The functions to animate squish and drag are complete but we need to call them from the view controller.


export class ViewController
  extends NSViewController
  implements SKSceneDelegate, MouseCatcherDelegate, SKPhysicsContactDelegate

  set dragState(value) {



  didBeginContact(contact: SKPhysicsContact) {

    this.ball?.didCollide(collisionStrength, contact.contactNormal);


That's all for the animations: run the project now, and you will see how the ball scales up/down when being dragged, and squishes when it collides!

At this point, this project is feature complete with the original project by Nate Parrott mentioned at the beginning of this post.

Nod to a limitless future

Currently, the new runtime supports C/Objective-C bindings so the iOS, macOS and other Apple related platforms are supported. Android support is in progress.

If you'd like to broaden your understanding and join this fascinating effort, drop in our #discussions channel in Discord, we look forward to working with you!